Peste hotare #8 ~ Illuminate

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De data asta, cartea care mi-a atras atentia este Illuminate de Aimee Agresti. Recunosc ca mai intai m-a atras coperta, pe care o ador, dar si descrierea suna chiar bine :)

Haven Terra is a brainy, shy high school outcast. But everything begins to change when she turns sixteen. Along with her best friend Dante and their quiet and brilliant classmate Lance, she is awarded a prestigious internship in the big city— Chicago—and is sent to live and work at a swanky and stylish hotel under the watchful eyes of a group of gorgeous and shockingly young-looking strangers: powerful and alluring hotel owner Aurelia Brown; her second-in-command, the dashing Lucian Grove; and their stunning but aloof staff of glamazons called The Outfit.

As Haven begins falling for Lucian, she discovers that these beautiful people are not quite what they seem. With the help of a mysterious book, she uncovers a network of secret passageways from the hotel’s jazz-age past that leads her to the heart of the evil agenda of Aurelia and company: they’re in the business of buying souls. Will they succeed in wooing Haven to join them in their recruitment efforts, or will she be able to thwart this devilish set’s plans to take the souls of her classmates on prom night at the hotel?

Illuminate is an exciting saga of a teen’s first taste of independence, her experience in the lap of luxury, and her discovery she may possess strength greater than she ever knew.

Eh, cum vi se pare? :)
Si inca o chestie: am vorbit cu autoarea, care a vrut sa ne trasmita un mic mesaj noua, cititorilor din Romania :)
Thank you so much for your interest in ILLUMINATE! I have a special place in my heart for Romania because my grandmother was Romanian!

Deeeci, autoarea e un sfert romanca. Tre’ sa fim mandrii :))


3 comentarii (+add yours?)

  1. Niahara
    mart. 31, 2012 @ 23:29:30

    Niiice :D Mie coperta cartii imi place foarte mult si am inteles ca si actiunea este dementiala.


  2. Zipyღ
    mart. 31, 2012 @ 23:42:31

    Stiam ca autoarea e un sfert romanca dintr-un interviu.
    Coperta e foarte draguta, am vazut si semne de carte, care sunt la fel de frumusele!!^_^
    Hihi…abia astept sa o citesc:)


  3. Mia
    apr. 06, 2012 @ 11:53:13

    Si mie imi place foarte mult coperta. Ar fi frumos sa o publice si la noi, poate editura Leda!


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